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Welcome from the Head of School

Dear Parents and Visitors,

Welcome to Community School of Naples! My colleagues and I are delighted that you are considering our school for your child’s education.

As Head of School, I watch our students arrive in our car park every morning, and they come to school full of smiles and anticipation of a new day. Our students are local and global at the same time, from approximately 20 states and a dozen different countries, and their varied backgrounds create an exciting learning environment. We are a true Community.

Since our founding in 1982, Community School of Naples has been firmly committed to educating our students so that they will think beyond the walls of their classrooms and imagine a world of possibilities awaiting them.


Our students possess the character and confidence to lead lives of purpose and impact, and my colleagues and I consider it a tremendous privilege to be part of this journey with them.

Students and parents alike will tell you that the heart of the CSN experience is the relationship between inspiring, caring teachers and coaches and their talented, motivated, and engaged students. We help our students to develop habits of mind that will last a lifetime, so they become independent thinkers who have a genuine passion for learning. Here on our beautiful 77-acre campus in southwest Florida, it is easy to see why our school is such a popular choice with parents and students alike.

CSN students past and present have always told me that they enjoy being part of a community that nurtures and cares for them, but which gives them the space to discover their own talents and skills.

To find out for yourself, please come and visit us. You can be sure of a very warm welcome.

Dr. David Watson

Head of School