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US SGA Election Results Are In

Elections for the US Student Government class representatives were held over the past two weeks.

SGA officers were elected in the spring:
- SGA President: Dylan Baer '25
- SGA V.P.: Cal Wyatt '25
- Academic Committee Chair: Sadie Lipman '25
- Athletic Committee Chair: Karina Hagenbuckle '26
- Service Committee Chair: Daniella (DJ) Duque '26
- Student Life Committee Chair: Hannah Kurtzman '25

12th Grade SGA Representatives
- Class President: Wesley Atterbury
- Academic Committee Representative: Howard Gleason
- Athletic Committee Representative: Cole Bryant
- Service Committee Representative: Priya Deonarine
- Campus Life Committee Representative: Brad Constantini

11th Grade SGA Representatives
- Class President: Noah Mansson
- Academic Committee Representative: Devon Poirier
- Athletic Committee Representative: Gabriella Muzio
- Service Committee Representative: Herman Kaufman
- Campus Life Committee Representative: Tobias Kopecny

10th Grade SGA Representatives
- Class President: Eric Hechenberger
- Academic Committee Representative: Mia Ringhofer
- Athletic Committee Representative: Trinity McCormick
- Service Committee Representative: Ella Youmans
- Campus Life Committee Representative: Annie Kaplan

9th Grade SGA Representatives
- Class President: Harold Hoffman
- Academic Committee Representative: Myles Freedman
- Athletic Committee Representative: Matteo Dal Lago
- Service Committee Representative: Berkley Young
- Campus Life Committee Representative: Sofi Urbina

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